Video of Santa Cruz ACLU’s Form on Houselessness

Wes White, a lead activist in establishing and supporting the Salinas Flagpole houseless community at Salinas City Hall, came to Santa Cruz last week to speak at and video the Rhodes event.

The Flagpole Community was forcibly dispersed by Salinas police on the night of Saturday October 1 using a draconian “emergency” law passed by the Salinas City Council 10 days earlier.

There has, as of yet, been no follow-up by the Santa Cruz ACLU, the sponsor of the Rhodes book tour, in terms of any local challenges to local repressive Santa Cruz ordinances. Meanwhile, homeless folks face continued harassment as the weather turns colder. See “Police and Ranger Raid on Homeless In the Rain Reported” at .

The video of the ACLU Forum on Houselessness can be seen at .