The Sunday, November 12, 2023 show includes:
- [Another article about the force-driven “clean-up” before the APEC conference]
- Foundring “What’s This?” satirical protest and the censoring of Kylan deGhetaldi (aka Foundring) interviewed by “Dissident Mama” › watch?v=kFEZi4a2cV4
- [11-7] Angel, former SC Homeless Union and Occupy Santa Cruz activist on the tribulations of Section 8 occupancy
- [11-6] Rain, on the impact of Food Not Bombs on her as a member of the housed community.
- [11-9] “Woe to the Wicked” Wes White on Monterey County anti-homeless doings and homeless struggles
The February 24, 2010 Flashback contains:
- Flashback within a Flashback to October 22, 1988–Anti-Sleeping Ban activist Charles Grey interview
- Curbhugger Chris Doyen on street life and his positive view of the “Hospitality” hosts and critical view of the SCPD’s Officer Winston
- A critic of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center calls foul of food filching by staff
- Article on Boulder, CO changes in Sleeping Ban law
- Jeremy Casmir, arrested, released after violent detention:
- Some beats and bleats from Drum Circle Dave
- Reviewing Q & A from Mayor Riot Act Rotkin on the Subversive Sidewalk Singing Bust and the Metro Cop Crackdown
- The Obama Wars: “The 7 Paragraphs That Shook US/Uk Ties” and “Obama Takes a Blue Principle for the Bill of Rights”
- Mark Merin and SHOC (Sacramento Homelessness Organizing Committee) struggle for Safe Ground for Sleepers there.