The November 9, 2023 show is a Flashback to November 21, 2010 including:
- Steve Pleich (rhymes with “h”) co-hosts.
- Brief History of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center (currently known as Funding Matters or more commonly Housing Matters).
- Pleich’s report on Santa Cruz Neighbors forum at the police station
- “Battleweary” Bob Patton on struggle to reopen the Vet’s Hall
- “Drum Circle” Dave on the Pretend-empkin Bathroom on Soquel
- Ray on labyrinth requirements for Proposition 36 paperwork; Officer “Fat Ticket Book” Forbus misusing the “Move Along” law?
- Santa Barbara: the 100,000 homes movement; ACLU’s abandoned anti-camping ban lawsuit
- John Valley and attorney Misloff successfully defeat 647e anti-lodging prosecution
- Systemized attack on the PC2010—a review; the new SCPD Chief Vogel’s checkered background
- Fresno’s latest assault on the homeless; San Francisco Sit/Lie Ban—a conservative merchant critic