HUFF Agenda Prospects 3-14-24
Top of the Agenda: Procedures
++++ Timekeeper (10 minutes per item) Hand-raisin’ rules, Chair rotation
++++ Agenda Adds; Interrogatory Questions; Tighter “Chair Control” Procedures
++++ Agenda Additions, Announcements. Pass-arounds
++++ Hand-outs if needed:
++++ Followed by short briefings on other agenda items, time allowing
++++ PassArounds (read and return): Mainstream media on election, police measures, Shelter shit, drug doodoo
++++ Callbacks on projects and an every-other-week schedule
Reports and Info Items
++++ Follow-Up on Robert Ratner/Matt Huffaker Demand Discussion
++++ Street & Court reports Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee Warnings, Sweeps, & Tickets
++++ Tales of being driven into rain from parking structures, overhangs, etc.
++++ Newcomer & Agenda Addition Discussion
++++ Reports from government bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)
++++ Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)
Action Proposals: Choosing 1 for Action, 2 for Research
++++ Major choice of focus in the meeting. Proposed prep or actions. Target; demands?
++++ Possibilities: Survival Camp Sweeps; 5150 Seizures; Tier 2 RV Investigation; Tent Seizure Accounts; Property Reclaiming Fantasy or Reality? ; Armory/Coral St. & “Warming Shelter” accessibility bathroom/portapotty expansion/potable water for survival campsites; street newsletter; poverty pimpery connections & auditing; Local Petitioning against new Criminalize Homeless initiatives
++++ Targets for Rainy Weather Shelter/Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall/Emeline/TelcCare/Supes
++++ Demands: Accountability, Accessibility, Redress
++++ Recent Key Issues for research: 5150 Protections; Shelter Demands, Tier 2
Announcements & Follow-Ups
++++ Rain showers Sat 3-23 – Tues 3-26
++++ Follow: Prop 1, SB 1011, “Care” Courts, Conservatorship & Court-mandated “medication”, Laura’s Law
++++ End Homelessness Now: Rally and Art Auction Sat 3-16 noon-2 p.m. Calif State Capitol, WestSide (10th St. between N & L Info: Tiny at 510-282-0396
++++ Camp Removal Resistance Prep: Contact Group Expansion; UC RV Shutdown
++++ UCSC Update HUFF recruitment flyer (Absentee Report)
If enough time and desire
++++ Possible phone contacts: Laura C. on Mental Health Madness; Maleah on UCSC; Keith on Sacramento Protest Caravan; Wes on recent and upcoming video work
++++ Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance protest info:
++++ Legal:
++++ Placeholder runthrough—study groups: Rents vs. Profits—S.C. Survey, Psych rights subcommittee; ticket documenting/public records act request filing
Street Sheet and Street Spirit
++++ New March 2024 issues of Street Sheet may be available in hard copy next meeting but the stories can be accessed on line at
++++ The new March 2024 issue of Street Spirit –the first since June 2023—is available at Sub Rosa, Food Not Bombs Town Clock meal distribution Sat and Sun 12-3 p.m. and in the newspaper shelves just outside the UN HQ.
++++ Editors of these papers may be up for printing local poetry and street reports—contact Norse at 831-423-4833 for more info.
Tales of Hope and Terror
++++ Establishment Propaganda:
++++ Driven into homelessness?
Net-Show Access
++++TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW: After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to click on date
++++Description of recent shows: 3-7:
++++First hour of the 3/10/24 show covers the Housed Defense of Folks Living in Oversized Vehicles: an Interview with Reggie Meisler on Fight Against the OVO permit at 3-12 City Council meeting: (10 minutes into the file)