HUFF “Loose Cannon” Agenda Suggestions 3-21-24
At the 3-14-24 HUFF meeting, the group voted to continue weekly meetings, but have every other meeting be an informal gathering without the usual tight agenda constraints typical of those run by Robert (who may not make the meeting). The current meeting is the first meeting with looser flow to be created by the HUFFsters themselves. The following are suggestions for possible topics, but participants themselves may decide leadership and agenda—if those terms apply. Coffee & tea will still be available cost-free. Bring snacks to share.
Standard Stuff: Procedures and Reports
++++ Group can decide on its own procedures such as Timekeeper (10 minutes per item) Hand-raisin’ rules, Chair rotation
++++ Announcements and Street Reports
++++ PassArounds (read and return): old Shgelosis story.
Possible Topics for Discussion and/or Action
++++ Demands for Robert Ratner/Matt, County Homeless Czar (Accountabuility for $$ spent) and/or Matt\ Huffaker Demand (Stop the Sweeps; Services to Existing Camps)
++++ Machelle Bryant memorial 4-7 PM 3-31 Friendship Garden; Harvey West Park
++++ Agenda Additions
++++ Reports from government bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)
++++ Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MH CAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)
Action Proposals: Choosing 1 for Action, 2 for Research
++++ If wanted: Major choice of focus in the meeting. Proposed prep or actions. Target; demands?
++++ Possibilities: Survival Camp Sweeps; 5150 Seizures; Tier 2 RV Investigation; Tent Seizure Accounts; Property Reclaiming Fantasy or Reality? ; Armory/Coral St. & “Warming Shelter” accessibility bathroom/portapotty expansion/potable water for survival campsites; street newsletter; poverty pimpery connections & auditing; Local Petitioning against new Criminalize Homeless initiatives
++++ Rainy Weather Predicted Fri 3-22, Sat 3-23, Wed 3-27 Fri 3-29 Sat 3-30 Possible Targets Stop the Sweeps/Raids: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall—City Council meets 3-26 Other targets: /Emeline/TelcCare/Supes
++++ Demands: Accountability, Accessibility, Redress
++++ Flyer Prep Research: Seeking more Info from George Corvalho, Patient Advocate; Stories from former clients; 5150 Protections at TeleCare with Proposition 1 likely winning;
Announcements & Follow-Ups
++++ Follow: Prop 1, SB 1011, “Care” Courts, Conservatorship & Court-mandated “medication”, Laura’s Law
++++ More Info on 3-15 Sacto Protest from Keith McHenry and Wes White on net-radio: at (4 minutes into the audio file)
If enough time and desire
++++ Possible phone contacts: Laura C. on Recent political updates and incoming videos/complaints at 245-0956
++++ Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance protest info:
++++ Legal:
Street Sheet and Street Spirit
++++ New March 2024 issues of Street Sheet may be available in hard copy at the first April meeting and the stories likely accessible then on line at
++++ The new March 2024 issue of Street Spirit –the first since June 2023—is available at Sub Rosa, Food Not Bombs Town Clock meal distribution Sat and Sun 12-3 p.m. and in the newspaper shelves just outside the UN HQ on Pacific Ave.
++++ Editors of these papers may be up for publishing local poetry and street reports—contact Norse at 831-423-4833 for more info.
Tales for Research and Amusement
++++ Establishment Propaganda:
++++ Driven into homelessness?
++++ Ratner-useful (?) Check out Parts 2 & 3.
Net-Show Access
++++TO HEAR THE BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW: After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to click on date
++++Description of recent shows: 3-14:
++++ More Info on 3-15 Sacto Protest from Keith McHenry and Wes White on net-radio: at (4 minutes into the audio file)