Note: Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group. They cover a wide range of possibilities.
- Announcements: Choice of Action Items
- Reviewing Last Monday’s “”Give a Shit” Demo at Louden Nelson & Follow-Up’s
- Planning for Follow-Up’s Assist Sanitation-Challenged Bureaucrats There: Exposing P & R Dirty Laundry Downtown?
- The Posner Proposal for Supporting Migrant Camps
- Nutcracker Nick’s Suggestions on Hostels for the Homeless
- 1220 River St. Report on Unaddressed Deficiences and Changing the Oppressive City-County Campground Model
- California Homeless Union: Supporting Salinas’s August 1st Hearing
- Police calls in concert with FNB and/or SC Homeless Union to Document Failed SCPD Shelter Assistance for Front St. Sleepers
- Glover Call on Release of Infraction Examination, Investigation, Housing Problem
- Needle Exchange Expansion Debate/Forum…Post Office Box: Alicia Homeless Union Report
- Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource List–Who’ll Do the Follow-Up?
- For HUFFsters
- Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
- Further Action on C & A Items
- Street and Campground Reports
- Seeking Cell-phone and Charger Assistance for Union Campground Organizing
- Public Records Updates: Martinez Mendacity, Bathroom Stallin
- RV Attacks & Restricted”Reforms” in Other Cities
- SNAIL Update?
- Berkeley Report