Project Homeless Connect–Bus Passes

NOTE FROM NORSE:  Not that I’m a huge fan of the hooplah around the Tuesday 10-4 PM Project Homeless Connect being held at the Civic Auditorium in downtown Santa Cruz.   (The one-day-a-year event seems to serve more as publicity for poverty pimps than anything else)   However it does provide free meals, a once-a-year access to certain services, and a big crowd of folks.  Hence, those up in San Lorenzo Valley might be interested in the following e-mail from a watchful HUFF activist.    HUFF is likely to be tabling at the event.   More about Project Connect from its backers at .

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 20:50:43 -0700
Subject: [huffsantacruz] Bus passes in Felton for Project Homeless Connect

Hi folks, I stopped by the Mountain Community Resource office in Felton yesterday and was told there are free bus passes for people to get to the Homeless Connect event next Tuesday. So if you know people up in the mountain towns who need bus passes, send them over there on Monday from 9-noon. They are closed to drop-ins in the afternoon.

Ever so lightly,
Raven Playfaire, CMP since 1989, CMT since 1991, Reiki since 2001