Today’s 7-12-20 show description will also be posted at
It and other shows are now again available on the archives at
Sorry for the long delay, but the archives have been repaired!
The next City Council meeting (unless they announce a sudden 24-hour- notice-only “Special” session again as they did on July 2nd) will be the second Tuesday in August. This–without extensive public protest will likely be a public-excluded (unless you have a tv or computer) meeting, again largely ignoring the Defund the Police demands made repeatedly at the last three Council sessions by an overwhelming majority of those calling in. announced 24 hours ahead of time. It’s likely only strong visible loud public protests may get the Council (and more important–the City’s) attention. Look for announced protest times on line and from those you know.
*** Norse Updates: Psych Release, Public Records on Olive St. Parking, City Council Rules, Police Defunding
*** Lt. Haebe accosts Drayco; Alicia Kuhl to Court for TRO Against the Burdicks
*** Many-Sided McHenry Report on Conditions for Outside Residents Around the Town
*** Exposing the “Bountygate” Attack on the Russians at
*** “Fuck the 4th” Speeches Demanding Police Defunding at the Beach Flats
Zane Talking Out by the Coral St. Train Tracks–Before the Latest Cal-Trans Sweep
*** “Don’t Bury the Library”
Protesters Reiterate Their Reasons
*** Taking Back the Streets on July 21st with
Food Not Bombs and the Coalition to Defund the SCPD
*** Glenn Greenwald at
*** Steve Pleich’s Defund the Police by 30% Proposal–But Will He lead the Protests To Get There?
*** Robert Ledermann of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics) at
/neo/groups/nycstreetartists/info chronicles street vendors and activists fighting back against police repression
in New York City.
Recent Past Shows are Described at
Many Earlier Shows are Described at
Earliest Shows are Described at
Act Locally or Regret Later
- Support Alicia Kuhl in her Watsonville hearing Tues 7-14 8:30 AM in Burdick’s Court. Info: 431-7766
- Call in street reports to HUFF and the Free Radio Santa Cruz netshow back at 831-423-4833
- Join Food Not Bombs [FNB], HUFF, and other local groups at the Daily Meal at the Laurel & Pacific seeking volunteers to pass on information and provide support.
- Eat and organize at FNB meals 1;30-5:30 weekdays, 4-6 Sat & Sun.
- Demand Legislative Rubberstampers of City Manager Martin Bernal and County Potentates Restore Actual Public Meetings instead of Closed Door On-Line Charades.
- Call City Hall (420-5020) and the Board of Supervisors (454-2200) or Rattle the Windows of these Toxic Pretenders where They Work & Live to demand Defunding Police Agencies to secure safety & services.
- Hit the streets to Insist that City Manager Bernal and Chief Mills stop the sweeps of homeless encampments–violating the CDC directive and halt $$ for these and other police terror sweeps.
- Prepare for peaceful urgent Direct Action to enact these health & safety measures if City Manager Bernal, Mayor Cummings, and Chief Mills continue to Stall.
- Resist Business and Corporate Pressure to Restore Massive Tourist “Business as Usual” in the midst of a Pandemic of Unknown Dimensions
- Prepare for the likely return of explicit anti-homeless police, business, and vigilante activity as “business-as-usual” resumes.
Check out resumed HUFF meetings Wed 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific (next meeting 7-15)
“Bad News” Bernal Order His Cops to Stand off and Allow Homeless
Activists to Reopen Camp Phoenix, let other survival campers remain
where they
are without molestation (stop the sweeps!), and/or allow for self-run
triage zones (as at the Ross Camp site) now that Governor Newsom has
declared that area surplus space to be designated for homeless use.
Provide decent facilities for trash pick-up, washing,
drinkable water, and bathroom access.
the City to provide support for vehicular residents, water for those in
the Benchlands, portapotties for those in the Pogonip and the Levy,
and decent survival services citywide.
the latest cosmetic “See, We Have Shelter” lie with the pathetic and
all-in-the-same-room response of the Vet’s Hall, the Armory, and Laurel
St instead of the needed and promised motel rooms. These need to be
provided BEFORE symptoms develop, BEFORE testing, TARGETING the most
vulnerable but providing for all as the crisis escalates nation-wide.
- Demand immediate transfer of money to shelter the many rather than provide an illusion by unsafely sheltering a few, while really providing protective cover to the City Council and Board of Supervisors for essentially doing nothing for the great majority and allowing Mills’ police-and-rangers to threaten campsites with seizure and arrest at will as police are the only large gang allowed to publicly assemble.
- Contact Chief Mills at to demand fundamental changes such as that seized survival gear be available for reclaiming during regular business hours, not just 6 hours as week. See
accountable City Hall NIMBY whenever they show up in public: Mayor
Justin Cummings, City Manager-for-Life Martin Bernal, His Wrecking Crew
Abuse Enablers Susie O’Hara and Megan Bunch, Police Chief Andy Mills,
& City Attorney Tony Condotti for Inciting the Ross Camp
Destruction, Subsequent Deaths, & the Friday Nov 15th Demolition of
Camp Phoenix (the renewed Deseire Memorial Survival Encampment
in back of Ross) with a campaign of lies to the community regarding
“adequate shelter options”.
Deseire Quintero–Killed by City Indifference, Negligence, and Malice
in Closing the First Ross Camp Without Any Adequate Shelter! Support
Survival Campgrounds, Empty Building Takeovers This Plague Season
Wherever They Happen. Provide them with supplies.
- Take peaceful action to open up buildings for Emergency Shelter as well as an end to harassment citation of folks surviving outside under “trespass on public property”, “closed area”, “public nuisance” and “blocking the sidewalk” pretexts;
- Witness, oppose, and document police and ranger harassment using “closed areas”, “blocking the sidewalk”, “public nuisance”, “public trespass”, and “illegal lodging” to get around the Boise v. Martin “No shelter? No tickets!” decision.
City Manager “Mangler” Martin Bernal and SCPD Police Chief
“Ambushmaster” Andy Mills account for their destruction of Camp Phoenix
City Council’s required Standard Operating Procedures for closing
encampments and violating their own admission that “trespass” could not
be properly applied to the survival sleepers. Remember the bad history
so it’s not repeated!
Contact Alicia Kuhl to find more direct and effective ways to
support the next shelter-in-place encampments, legal challenges, and
fundamental police change throughout the City starved of food and
survival gear at 831-431-7766. DONATE SURVIVAL GEAR
· Document Homeless Discrimination & Sign Up for Direct Action to “Open the Bathrooms Now!” Action by contacting the SC Union, HUFF, Conscience & Action, or the Give-A-Shit Campaign
· Provide Direct Support to Survival Camps & Squats as City Council Ignores the Emergency; Skip the Poverty Pimp Entrepreneurs to give directly to Food Not Bombs, the Felker St. Footbridge Services, the SC Homeless Union and other real providers.
Post Your Documentation of Police and Ranger “Move Along” Mischief or Pass it on to BadAss Mama at 831-431-7766
· Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, NOT Poverty-Pimp Posturers– Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s–and Deter Police Harassment by being On Call to Document It.
· Additional Needs for Community Samaritans!–More Needs: Potable Water for Drinking, Laundry Access so Clothes Don’t Mildew, Electrical Phone-Charging Hook-up’s and More Space in Additional Spots, Monitor and Expose Cop Crackdowns
· Support Food Not Bombs, the Warming Center’s Day/Night Storage Program, HUFF, and independent homeless activists by documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
- Check out The Santa Cruz Community, Santa Cruz Homeless Advocates & Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, SNAIL, HEART Disabled Homeless People, Power Surge Tenants Rights, Bay Area Landless People’s Alliance, and more on Facebook..then go out and do something!
- Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
- Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
- Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at Thursdays 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
- Hear archived shows at . Call in with street reports and commentary: 831-423-4833
- If you must, expropriate items from corporate & chain stores. Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless or local businesses!
REMINDER: Free Radio Santa Cruz stands ready to dole out $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure). We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word. Help us so we can help you!