Who Deserves Censure at City Council?
At the 9-24 City Council meeting, I was initially promised four minutes to give a group presentation on behalf of HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom). Once the Censure item was tabled without public comment, Mayor Watkins cut me back to two minutes on the second related “Rose Investigation Recommendations” item. Here is the full speech she censored.
Watkin’s shutdown of my HUFF presentation was yet another in a long line of arbitrary and capricious actions targeting her critics. She let others speak pro and con on Censure issue during the “Rose Investigation” item, but cut me off from the promised time.
The substance of this speech has continuing relevance beyond the specifics of this Council meeting.
If anyone deserves Censure, it’s the Watkins-Mathews-Myers minority at Council for its lengthy history of improper sabotaging of the Progressive majority’s agenda, which I partially itemize in the speech.
Many speakers called for reconciliation, essentially denying the obvious and unavoidable class split on the Council. I believe that recognizing that division and choosing sides is a precondition to moving forward on a variety of issues that have been successfully blockaded by Watkins and her Council minority.
HUFF will be at the Sub Rosa Cafe next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific Ave at 11 AM today. Conscience and Action [C & A] activists and the general public are invited. C & A co-chairs Steve Pleich and Phil Posner will not be able to make the usual C & A meeting at 11 AM meeting but HUFF activists will be there to support the meeting as usual.
The full speech is available on line at https://www.indybay.org/ newsitems/2019/09/25/18826656. php .