Apologies to listeners. The I-pod ate my painstakingly prepared 4 1/2 hour show which featured another go-around at the “Vanish the Vendors” City Council, last week on the street, fine audio from The Grapes of Wrath, and lots of hard-hitting slightly-off-key political/educational rage songs from Ryan Harvey. Maybe next time…
Instead we’ll be broadcasting an oldie:
Sunday, February 12, 2006 show includes Richard Quigley interviewed on being banned from Aptos Safeway for trying to buy an “I know I’m stupid to be a loyal Safeway customer” …Discussion of the Patriot Act… “Deadman” being excluded from his wife’s funeral in Hollister the day before……”Mr. TV”….Bike church update from Road Scholar…Musical Mike and Valkyrie Valerie describing police selective enforcement against political tablers and activists near New Leaf Market…Ryan of Tent University at UCSC calling in against SCPD spygate, with Tent U update …The Brune interviews: judge drops dog-on-the-mall charge…Sylvia Karas, MHCAN Board member and psychiatric survivor speaks on AB1421 (easier psych commitment) and Prop 63 (funding of services), ducks question on whether she’ll stand up for medical marijuana use among her clients…Caller reports high-speed unsafe police chase ending in crash on 2-11…and more!
The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM and streams on the internet at freakradio.org at 9:30 AM – 1:15 PM (May 29). It will archive at http://www.radiolibre.org/brb/ brb160529.mp3.