HUFF meets tomorrow 11 AM at ye olde Sub Rosa Cafe.
We’ll be updating on anything learned at the Project Homeless Connect. (google “Project Homeless Connect” for more info)
There’s the Campaign to Protect Public Parking Places Near 115 Coral St.-
(Marlin Granlund of the Parking Permit Bureau is still stonewalling on who can contest his “Dump the Homeless from Harvey West” 24-Hour Ban on Parking near 115 and the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center).
And the upcoming Speak-Out Saturday-
HUFF will be throwing a speak out (and perhaps a shriek out) Saturday May 16 at the Food Not Bombs meal near the Main Post Office downtown. The day before the National Postal Union will be having a rally in the same place (time uncertain).
NORSE NOTES: I have little confidence that the state Legislature will pass this bill, but here’s a chance to get in an e-mail or phone call before a 1:30 PM deadline tomorrow. I’ve asked Councilmember Micah Posner to author a Right2Rest local bill, which he said he’d happily do if someone else would support it. Otherwise, no go.
AB718 says:
The legislative body of a city, county, or city and county shall not prohibit, or otherwise subject to civil or criminal penalties, the act of sleeping or resting in a lawfully parked motor vehicle.
Please call or send an email asap. The hearing is Wed May 13 at 1:30. So a call or email even the morning of May 13 may is still worth it.
Just email or call (or both!) and say Assemblymember Gordon – please support AB718 to allow people to rest or sleep in a legally parked car.
Capitol Office:Sacramento …Tel: (916) 319-2024
District Office:Los Altos …Tel: (650) 691-2121
Here is a link to the Bill: