Positive news: tenant advocates have turned in the wording for a Rent Control Initiative to be examined by the City Attorney; First They Came for the Homeless–a tough and tenacious homeless-run encampment in Berkeley has won a hearing in their lawsuit against the City of Berkeley for violating their First Amendment rights in 16 separate police raids; Sleeping Citations in October and November from Parks and Recreation are down–according to hardworking Citation Searchers Laura and Gloria.
On the Agenda: City Council Report, Encampment Defense Discussion, Berkeley’s Feisty First They Came for the Homeless lawsuit advancement–its Santa Cruz implications, the Latest from the Lapis Road RV Struggle from Beggarbacker Becky (depending on weather conditions), and whatever comes out of the usual HUFF turmoil.
You can also contact HUFF central by phone for assignments, reports, and updates at 831-423-4833. We need help reviewing the SCPD’s Citation record to see how accurate Chief Mills’ “No Sleeping Ban Citations at Night on Public Property” policy aligns with SCPD practice over the last 2-3 months.