Given that the Sub Rosa, where HUFF regularly meets, is likely to be closed tomorrow and the folks leading the HUFF meeting have had to cancel, HUFF is postponing its next meeting until Wednesday the 19th.
We are advised that Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry was hospitalized Sunday night, preventing the regular Tuesday night FNB support of Freedom SleepOut #105. After back surgery, he’s recovering.
In other cities attacks on outdoor Food Servers continue:
And roaring out of Eureka comes the our new Chief of Police Andrew Mills, whose active disdain and dehumanization policy towards the homeless there is baldly revealed in his June memo proposing clear-them-away solutions:
https://To catch Brent Adams’ Coalition on Homeless meeting, he hooks-up with notoriously anti-homeless Councilmember Richelle Niroyan, Library Worker Maile McGrew-Frede, San Jose activist Robert Aguirre in a two-hour presentation devoid of protest suggestions videoed by Salinas activist Wes White at