Our host Jacine may not be well enough to open up the Sub Rosa on Thursday morning. In that case, we will relocate to The Bagelry at 320-A Cedar St (Cedar and Maple) two blocks away.
Agenda Prospects for Thursday’s (11-4) Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Meeting
Likely Agenda Topics :
+++ Coastal Commission Clarification on the OVO (Oversized Vehicle Ordinance) and CSSO (Camping Standards & Services Ordinance)
+++ Coastal Commission Preemption: HUFF Tabling to Challenge Parking Authority’s Phony Signs
+++ Withheld Homeless Report: Wresting It from the City Attorney–Legal Help
+++ Bernie Escalante—Interim Top Cop; Demands on the Department
+++ Seaside Smashdown: November 11th Tow Deadline for RV’s from “Safe Parking” Lot
+++ Vaccine Mandate Issues for Unhoused Folks
+++ Following Up on the Rain-Resistant Platform Placement for the Benchlands
+++ PhonePal Support As a Defense Against Winter Camp Removal & Harassment
+++ Psych Protection & Crisis Update
+++ Protest Updates
+++ Landlord Profits, Rents, and Costs: A Possible Report
On Free Radio archived Thursday or Sunday at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html Legal Psychrights activist Jim Gottstein and 1st Ever Psychiatric Refugee granted asylum: Roxanne Stewart-Johnson.
Research is still needed into:
+++ Vehicle Code Vivisection: Defanging Hobohammer SCPD’s Haebe and Dustheart Deborah Elston’s favorite tools for stealing homeless homes–the so-called 72-hour “abandoned vehicle” fraud.
+++ Record of Failed protections against Psychiatric Deportations, the record of Reiss hearing failures, dumping and forced drugging of the “mentally ill”. (Free Radio show still coming up on fighting forced drugging with attorney Jim Gottstein & psych-survivor Roxanne Stewart-Johnson)
+++ End of the Rent Moratoria and Unemployment Benefits–UCSC Returns: the Status of Rent Moratorium in Santa Cruz County?
+++ Complaints by Goatguy Kevin regarding rental discrimination for office space–in search of protest
Santa Cruz Homeless Union Placeholder Meeting 5 PM Friday 10-29
October Street Sheet and Street Spirit newspapers STILL AVAILABLE.