Note: Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group. They cover a wide range of possibilities. Bathrobespierre Robert may be absent for some of the meetings.
- Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy
- Reports from the Beach on the Curfew Imposition and Homeless Displacement
- Upcoming City Council Meeting: Glover’s 5:30 PM 9-20 Agenda Meeting
- Keith’s Proposed “No Forced Containment Camps” Meeting & Concern
- Any Requests for the Union of the Homeless NYC meeting?
- Results of the Salinas Union of the Homeless Hearing
- Laura’s Report on Shelter Calls
- Ross Lawsuit and Union Organizing Report: Phone a Cop for Service Proposal
- 1220 River St Camp Council, Union Critique, Media Coverage
For HUFFsters New Street Spirits and Street Sheets will likely be available at this meeting.
- Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
- Further Action on C & A Items
- Street and Campground Report
- RV Update–Re: Police Response, Vigilante Action, & Reports from Other Cities
- Scheduling Homeless Union Tabling at FNB or on Pacific
- Recycling Report
- Help Reviewing Public Records Updates: Kevin Allen Death; More Recent Louden Nelson Bathroom Data–Norse and Colby’s Data Some at https://cityofsantacruz. s255da108cca46cb8/fo08457c- fdef-469a-8fba-a420ed62d163