The usual Sub Rosa Cafe 11 AM meeting at 703 Pacific today (Wednesday October 4) has been kicked ahead to Wednesday October 11th. Mark your calendars.
On October 11th, Monterey County Lapis Road activists Wildfire and Becky Johnson will be coming to town to discuss Resistance strategies with HUFFsters.
Currently, the RV and vehicle dwellers down there are facing costly, unsustainable, and unnecessary relocations every day from 10 AM to 6 PM. This process is whittling down their numbers, as the RV’s have been declared illegal to park in nearby cities. The activists there are working on a Coastal Commission appeal among other strategies. Salinas homeless activist Wes White has proposed a Parade of Forgotten Voices to be planned 8 AM October 5th at the Silver Bullet along Lapis Road [ ]
White and Johnson recently visited Fresno joining dozens of others Standing in Solidarity with the Homeless last week in a civil disobedient campout which White videoed at Activist Brent Adams reports from the Post Office encampment at and more updates can occasionally be found there. The threatened expulsion of those sleeping there did not happen on October 1st–the threats reported by sidewalk sleepers there. San Lorenzo Park campers were excluded September 28,29, and 30 with posted signs.
We have few if any reports of police and ranger use of the newly expanded Stay-Away law. Its selective enforcement powers can be are described at php (“Stacked Deck Stay-Away Law Expansion Promises More Pain for Poor Outside“) The SCPD has readied Public Records that document the use of this abusive process for the last 9 months (no word from Parks and Rec). Help HUFF document this wretched record. Fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks contact Food Not Bombs or HUFF (numbers below). Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).
Also please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, around the Post Office, and along the Coral St. sidewalk where numerous nightly encampments have grown.If you abhor meetings and wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses, Monitor the new Library Rules, and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833. Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless. Contact them at 575-770-3377.