The show broadcasts at 101.3 FM, streams on the internet at at 6 PM tonight (March 17). It will archive at brb160228.mp3.
Coming Up on this edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides SHOC (Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee) protesting continuously outside City Hall since December day and night; activist Kathleen Williams gives extensive background. Updates on the Planned Civil Disobedience Resistance Supporting the Chinatown Encampment in Salinas Tuesday March 22nd and HUFF organizing at the Saturday Project Pollinate event at San Lorenzo Park (all day) Also on tap: Latest word from the Red Church refugees, and the Tuesday’s Clock Tower Protest Against the Sleeping Ban.
Go to Lostshows.html and then click on the link under Lost Show – 3/6/2016Sunday,March 6th 2016, part 1 – Sunday,March 6th 2016, part 2 . Note that this is not the usual place the twice-weekly show is archived (which is ). Barring unusual transmission problems, the shows will continue to appear there.
Coming Up on this edition of Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides SHOC (Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee) protesting continuously outside City Hall since December day and night; activist Kathleen Williams gives extensive background. Updates on the Planned Civil Disobedience Resistance Supporting the Chinatown Encampment in Salinas Tuesday March 22nd and HUFF organizing at the Saturday Project Pollinate event at San Lorenzo Park (all day) Also on tap: Latest word from the Red Church refugees, and the Tuesday’s Clock Tower Protest Against the Sleeping Ban.
Due to power outages and equipment problems, the usual Sunday morning Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show was not available at its usual time. The March 6 show intended for broadcast includes interviews with Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry, Berkeley singer and activist Carol Denney on the history of People’s Park, and my analysis of Lane’s Camping Ordinance amendments.
It is now available.
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