NOTE BY NORSE; A segment of the homeless population has their status dismissed and demeaned by describing them as “mentally ill” and there are currently bills pending in the state legislature to strip rights from those who do not “take their meds”, ramping up the repressive Laura’s Law, which so far has been limited. To defend the rights of the homeless means defending the rights of those labeled “mentally ill”. Another useful resource for those interested in this issue is .
Sunday, May 19, 2013
*Chaya Grossberg, http://chayagrossberg.weebly.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
MindFreedom International and the California Client Action Group protest of the American Psychiatric Association’s 2013 annual conference– an Occupy Psychiatry Event.
MC Matthew Morrissey
Confirmed Speakers include:
* Leonard Roy Frank
*Ted Chabasinski,
*Chaya Grossberg,
* James B. (Jim) Gottstein (Esq.)
There will also be an open mike.
Moscone Center
747 Howard Street, San Francisco, California 94103
Lilly is trying to cortnol the information that physicians receive about its drug. A reasonable response on the part of physicians would be to decline to see to Lilly “detailers” or write Lilly scripts (when possible for patient care) until all the Zyprexa information is in the public domain. A script for Viagra instead of a script for Cialis, for example, will meet patients’ needs while sending a message to Lilly that physicians need full information on all these drugs if we are to prescribe them.