Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 1-17-21 show streams 9:30 AM Lawsuit Loudtalk; Lyrical Eye on COVID-19 & White Supremacy; Free, Russell, and Gaven–Rumbles from the Rebels Flashback to 4-16-17 Michael Meer memorial at Freedom Sleepout #92

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Detailed description of the show (below) and also of prior shows available at  (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”)

xxx  Reviewing the San Lorenzo Survival Camp’s Brief: Responding to the City Attorney’s Excuses

xxx  Isaac Collins, rap stylist and street singer, on his COVID times
xxx  Kristy on her visit (12-30) with a group of maskless people to a Wednesday Farmer’s Market where they were turned away by the management who called the police.
xxx  HUFFtalk on the Marty Mirabel (“Pirate”) case
xxx  Farflung falderal from the tongue of Free Radio outsider “Free Spirit”
xxx  “Roughroad” Russell on the Coonerty exclusion of Vets from the Vets Hall
xxx  “Grit it Out” Gaven on Surviving Outside as a Vet While the Feds Dither


XXX   Trump the Warmaker with his Syria Bombing and Silence in Santa Cruz Amidst anti-Trump Protest

XXX   Red Church Rumblings:  Longhauler on Laundromat and Lavatory Probs

XXX   Pacific Ave. Ponderings: the Missing Pendulum, Display Device Dictatoring,

XXX   Michael Meers Memorial Ceremony at City Hall–Compliments of the Freedom Sleepers

XXX   The Joe Hill Saga–in Song and Story

XXX   “Silver-Tongued” Steve Pleich Fields Potshots from Bathrobespierre

XXX   “Shit Me Not” Cherie Peterson of the Survival Sleepers at City Hall

XXX   Deconstructing Berkeley’s “Missed the Mark” Mayor Jesse Arreguin on his “Pathway” Project

XXX   “Whip ’em into Shape” Wes White Details the Soledad Street (“Chinatown”) Sleeperville to hear the whole 4-16-17 show with all the fat and gristle, go to

Support the San Lorenzo Survival Campers–Check out the Comrade’s Cafe in San Lorenzo Park!  Prepare for the January 20th Decision by Judge Susan van Keulen to support the refugees with your voices and your numbers.