On today’s 11-13-22 show [all interviews on 11-12]:
- 10-15: Phone chat with community activist Satya Orion on living the unmasked life with microwave sensitivity
- Satya on Mike Mattingly’s trial for night gathering on Cowell Beach (https://www.facebook.com/mike.mattingly.940)
- Beggarbacker Becky Johnson updates the scattering odyssey of the Lapis Road vehicular residents.
- Backstory Brent Adams savages and salvages the service providers in the longest Adams interview ever.
- Deconstructing in part the misleading & out-of-date Santa Cruz Free Guide: https://www.santacruzfreeguide.org/static/pdfs/SC060922_eng.pdf
- Personal & professional memories of Paul Lee—the good and the not-so.
The June 16, 2005 Flashback:
- Busted at City Council on Rotkin’s orders—Bathrobespierre’s view.
- Street Interviews: Alia’s false arrest
- Mike Metzer on Referee Basket’s “justice”—151 hours for jaywalking and hackeysacking
- Quarter Meal Troubles in Berkeley
- Bottleneck (Mark Donnell) and Duncan on cartpusher recyclers, street news (Tele Times) and imagined camp sanctuaries
- Julie Vinograd reads her poem “The Promised Land”
- Affordable housing? Scott Beasley, Disability and Gretchen Regenheart at the S.C. Board of Stupes
- [Music throughout from Working, a musical by Studs Terkel]