Good News: We have restored the usual netstreaming at 6 PM!
As well as accessing the archives any time thereafter at under Latest Show – 11/25/2021.
Detailed descriptions of this show and other shows of the last few years are posted at
Today’s Show is a flashback to March 22, 2012
Background on “Sleepcriminal” Gary Johnson convicted of “felonious lodging” for a peaceful protest sleeping on a bench outside the County bldg.
Pacific Ave. palaver with travelers Robert, Jerry, and Richard + Mandolin Mark
Becky Johnson and others in the courthouse corridors following the fate of Gary Johnson.
“Just Leave Me Be!” Jack Smith of Felton facing “drug house” charges.
Preliminary Court Appearances for the first of the Santa Cruz Eleven–Alex Darocy and Bradley Allen–facing 7 years in prison for cooked-up charges of conspiracy and trespass for covering a peaceful demonstration as journalists.