The 2-19-23 show includes:
- 2-14 S.C. City Council meeting rushes and rubberstamps SCPD’s response to the Police Auditor’s Report over the objections of critics
- Katzenjammer Keith’s Varied Homeless/Peace/Food Survival Update
- More Audio from Alicia Kuhl’s Copwatch Video (
- Righteous Robert R. on his latest “sitting by a bridge” ticket
- Solo camper “C”‘s Anonymous adventures in Santa Cruz
- Monica H.–Sunday Survival Supplies along Hiway 9
- (Throughout) Varied songs buy songster and satirist Cornerstone Carol Denney
The July 29, 2010 Flashback show includes:
- Drum Circle devotees join PeaceCamp2010 protesters in front of the County Building: Skybear, Danny, & “First Amendment” Ed Frey
- Bathrobespierre Reports on the Upcoming Sinister Sidewalk Singing Trial
- More Drumbeats: Margaret, Peppertongue Pat Ring critiques PeaceCamp2010, Lito, Renee Curry, Curbhugger Chris, Orbit, and Sheriff chatter
- Drum Circle Dave on the new “No Trespassing” signs at the “Demonstration Garden” hastily fenced off by the City along the Levee path.
- A fragment of Uncle Dennis Davies’ “From the Cream to the Dregs” show, hosted by Louis La Fortune