Special listening instructions: The HUFF website is usually the go to place at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html to hear this show and earlier shows a time of your convenience.
As of Sunday morning 2-21, audio links on this webpage were still inoperative due to damage in the wake of the Texas storms. Our technical workers have assured us this problem will likely be fixed in a day or two.
Detailed written descriptions of recent shows and earlier shows is available at http://huffsantacruz.org/wordpress/ (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).
xxx Tough-it-Out Tannery Tenant Coral Brune stands up to the John Stuart Company
xxx Scouring the Scumladen Camping Ban Law with “Scope it Out” Scott Graham (text of the ordinance and staff reports at https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2021/02/18/18840135.php)
xxx Lay of the land at San Lorenzo with “Like me or Leave me” Lee-Ann
xxx Badnews from the Boardwalk with Aaron Hosmer
xxx Traveling Streethawker Angel Contrasts Arcata and Santa Cruz
xxx Listening to the Latest at the 2-18 Thursday HUFFmeet
xxx San Lorenzo Survival Camper Awl Denounces the “Mosquito” Noise Device at Wells Fargo
More details on all this history at the HUFF website’s Street Spirit archives: http://www.huffsantacruz.org/StreetSpiritSantaCruz/StreetSpirit-main.html
FLASHBACK FONDUE: An hour-plus of dialogue with oldtime homeless activists on KZSC’s March 6, 1990 “Voices” show with “Freeheart” Fran Rizzo, “Calamity Jane” Imler, Linda “the Lark” Edwards, “Bathrobespierre” Robert Norse, and more.