Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 2-24-22 show netcasts and archives at 6 PM: “Whip ‘Em Into Shape” Wes White on Salinas and Sausalito…Press Conference

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Today’s 2-24-22 show covers

Wes White’s Update on Salinas and Sausalito–including the following press conference he filmed.

Jeremy Portje’s 2-21 Sausalito press conference spotlighting

Activist Robbie Powelson on the destruction of rights and property by police and local authorities.

Porgje’s lawsuit against Sausalito PD Sergeant Georges and the Sausalito police chief. 

Sausalito attorneys Charles Bonner and David Anderson speakin g on the broader significance of the lawsuit as well as the broader demands for fundamental police change.

Porgje’s wife and daughter speaking  on the impact of the false arrest and police violence on them.

The Conference itself can be seen and heard at