Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 7-8-21 show netcasts 6 PM at : Opinions and Outbursts from Activists Looking In, and Benchlanders Looking Out

The show is slated to go out tonight at 6 PM on the net at

Alternately, to hear this show (July 8, 2021) and other homeless civil rights shows at a time of your convenience, Click on .

XXX FNB cook and organizer Keith McHenry on sweeps and evictions in L.A., San Diego, and other cities across the state, local abuses in the Santa Cruz’s “Safe Parking” program, and a city-wide update.

XXX  “Whip ‘Em Into Shape” Wes White on the San Rafael forcible removal of the Underpass Encampment, Novato’s Camp Compassion looking for a restraining order against cop harassment, a bit of personal history.

XXX Troy and Russell of the Benchlands, Memorial to the dead Leland, “Listen to the DST” by Tony Hall and Michael Powell.
XXX  Endnotes from C.J., recently returned from Merced.

Upcoming SC Homeless Union Camp Meet-Up 5 PM Friday July 9th at the Benches between Courthouse & Benchland

Legal Papers for the San Lorenzo Park Injunction available at this link for the next 21 days: