Free Radio on the Net is currently down. To hear the show go to and click on the December 20th show.
THE SHOW ARCHIVED AT & accessible at your convenience.
Norse’s Notes (coming soon)
XXX HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] demands restoration of City Needle Exchange, opposes “shut ’em down” lawsuit.
XXX “Katzenjammer” Keith on tomorrow’s 12-21 in-person Homeless Reading of the Dead at Laurel and Front (4 PM) ! Wednesday 12-23 5 PM on line 15th Anniversary Celebration of South Africa’s Abahlali (ShackDwellers) Movement and [WRAP] Western Regional Advocacy Project tap mobile+19294362866,,4911369178#US (NewYork)+16699006833,,4911369178#US (San Jose)Meeting ID: 491 136 9178 INFO at
XXX NOMAD’s Steavn gives rapid rundown on City dispersal of Felker Street Camp by the River
XXX Infamous “Dead of Winter Deportation” Order from City Mangler Martin Bernal and Greenwasher Tony Elliot
XXX Activist Alicia Kuhl’s Response to the City’s “Sanitize San Lorenzo Park” Sweeps–to Begin Tomorrow (12-22)
XXX Shitsifter Sean and Undercover Entertainer SS opine from the Food Not Bombs chowline
XXX “Tendentious” Thomas, “No More Nonsense” Norman, and “BetterBitter” BamBam Survey the Scene from the Levy Path
XXX Surviving on a Boat–Marty Mirabel Update
XXX Singin’ Through the Sadness with Sonny
XXX Upbeat Noel vs. “Bad News” Bathrobespierre
XXX Voices from the Threatened San Lorenzo “Freedom” Camp: Lupe, Russell, and Angel
XXX Backer-on-a-Bike Brent Adams on Alternatives for the Camp and Exhortations to the Absent City Council
FLASHBACK Show from December 9, 2010
XXX Lengthy Intro on the Scene 10 years ago from your Host: Protest Updates, Shady Shit on Sheltering from City-Supported Non-Profits,
XXX 12-02-10 Many Voices on Street Song-and-Sales Scene on Pacific Avenue: Moonstruck Mike, “Righteous” Ricardo Lopez, Grumpy Bart, Duce, Jay, a former Shop Owner, and Hutch