Free Radio Santa Cruz stands ready to dole out $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure). We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word. Help us so we can help you!
Tonight’s show streams at freakradio.org and archives at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/ Lostshows.html
Today’s current show had to be postponed because of illness. Sorry, folks.
For another round of Mayor Watkins’ “Fill Up the Time With Staff Chatter Until We Can Get rid of the Progressive Majority” Filler, check out the City Council’s jerky video of their last Council meeting–Mayor Watkin’s Latest Attack on Councilmembers Glover and Krohn at http://scsire.cityofsantacruz. com/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx? meetid=1175&doctype=AGENDA the 7 PM session.
Flashing Back to March 19, 2006
- Combined Wake-Up Call and Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show
- 10-Minute Parking Lot Trespass Law—which is now the 15 Minute law with a $250 fine
- Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women[CPVAW] unprotects homeless women
- Special Rush Meeting of the Downtown Commission [DC] hustles through Mayor Mathews’ Repressive Agenda
- CPVAW 3-1-06 Hearing Part 2: with Sheila Coonerty and other not-so-notable notables
- Sidewalk Interviews: 3-17-06: “Host” Harassment and Selective Enforcement
- Death Toll in Iraq
- Callers A-Plenty Including “Battling” Bob Lamonica, Human Rights Organization’s Bob Patton, Acid-tongued Andrea, and others
- Co-Host Craig Canada—Street Survival as an Unhoused Medical Cannabis User
- More DC Rush Meeting
- Bench Removal Report
- The show is also archived at http://radiolibre.org/brb/
Act Locally or Regret Repeatedly (with a tip of the Hat to Joyful Eyes Julie):
- Trump’s EPA Takes a Page from Santa Cruz Environmentalists: https://www.democracynow.org/
2019/9/27/headlines/epa_chief_ blames_californias_homeless_ population_for_poor_water_ quality - Ideas Galore, Followed by Bi-Monthly Meetings, Oh My!: https://www.santacruzsentinel.
com/2019/09/28/santa-cruz- conversation-seeks- homelessness-ending-solutions/ - Local Coastal Commission Enforcement Asleep or Asleep in Bed with outlaw NIMBY’s: https://www.reddit.com/r/
santacruz/comments/atu5kr/ coastal_access_delaware_ natural_bridges_and_fair/ - Do-It-Yourself Enforcement Laws for Those Who Want to Picket or Pressure the Coastal Commission Paperpushers: https://www.coastal.ca.gov/
enforcement/enforcement_ program.pdf - If it stops anti-RV enforcement in upscale Carmel, why not in “radical” Santa Cruz?: http://www.pineconearchive.