Apologies (again!) for the late Show Description
The 3-10 show archives athttp://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html where you can scroll down to find shows from the last 3 1/2 years.
Descriptions of these shows are posted at http://huffsantacruz.org/wordpress/. You can also sign up to receive advance notice of the content of the twice-weekly shows by e-mailing rnorse3@hotmail.com.
The 3-10-22 show includes:
- Berkeley’s Cornerstone Carol Denney on the latest PR victory defending People’s Park against the UC’s replace-the-community-and-homeless-space-with-upscale-12-story-student housing (3-7 interview)
- Porkchop on her history in People’s Park (3-7)
- TreeA–a 72-year old artist’s view o the Park community (3-7)
- Medea Benjamin and Nicholas J.S. Davies on Ukraine: https://original.antiwar.com/mbenjamin/2022/03/09/how-us-has-empowered-and-armed-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/
- Author Ron Davis on the Grave Choices in Ukraine:
- https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/03/09/calling-for-more-war-is-not-a-desire-for-a-just-peace/
Sunday 3-13 11 AM- 3 PM Grab some Goodies and Contribute what you don’t need at the Really Free Market 903 Pacific Sub Rosa Cafe
Sunday 3-13 noon-4 PM Picket for Peace while you Chow Down at Food Not Bombs at the Town Clock and rock to the FNB “Thank You Santa Cruz” 2-Years-of-Daily-Meals https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2022/02/17/18848066.php
Also of interest: https://ksqd.org/talk-of-the-bay-with-chris-krohn-tuesday-march-8th-5-6pm-kicking-around-the-homeless-and-houseless-in-santa-cruz/