A Late Description of the Sunday Show
The 3-24 show archives at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html where you can scroll down to find shows from the last 3 1/2 years.
Descriptions of these shows are posted at http://huffsantacruz.org/wordpress/.
You can also sign up to receive advance notice of the content of the twice-weekly shows by e-mailing rnorse3@hotmail.com.
The March 24, 2020 show includes:
[Apologies to listeners for sporadic poor sound quality at points]
- David Rovics tunes throughout
- “Nutcracker” Nick Whitehead sounding the alarm on Cal Trans and City-facilitated sweeps along Hiway 1 on 3-21 (“Hell’s Trail”)
- Remonstrations from the Refugees being swept: Jeremy
- Copwatcher, whistleblower, & caretaker Abbi Samuels monitors the demolition.
- Sean Gacey piling his possessions by the roadside tells his story.
- “Nutcracker” Nick reports in again 3-21.
- Two Kevins in the Benchlands