The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows . Currently that audio portion of the HUFF server is down but should be up again soon.
Many older audio archives are described and currently available at
Detailed written descriptions of the shows are at (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).
For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page. Hopes still linger for a page to be added to the HUFF website itself soon.
Want FRSC back on the air, in a studio with a call-in line restored? Send us tips on where to rent studio space and a willing host for our antenna. Contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or$300 Reward still available for finding us a Studio site for a year.
xxx TOLO (Temporary Outdoor Living, i.e. Dying, Ordinance) Tedium and Terrorism: Bathrobespierre Robert and “Scope It Out” Scott Graham dissect the beast–coming up Tuesday at the 5:30 PM SC Shitty Council meeting. Go to to view zany Zoom instructions.
xxx Scope-ster Scott reviews earlier Santa Cruz homeless history from the 70’s and 80’s and the current Arcada/Eureka scene
xxx Tent Supporter Troublemakers on Pacific Avenue Tabling and Talking with Lawwatcher Laura, Awl, Vigilante, Tyler and Jael from the Bay Area Party for Socialism and Labor
xxx Troublesome Thomas Leavitt with his The Wake-Up Call show interviews Berkeley’s disabled activist Dan McMullen and a People’s Park Free Box update
xxx Native American activist co-host Rebecca Horsewoman joins Bathrobepierre Robert
xxx Park policing update
xxx Caller Leila attacks forced drugging
xxx Horsewoman and her vehicles versus the SCPD
xxx Further Fury and Fightback from Dan McMullan
xxx Street Interviews: Juan Santos Pontoja on pre-trial fighting PC 647j state anti-camping law
xxx The Unspeakable Mrs. B. vs. Ranger John Wallace on perennial Park persecution
xxx SC Shitty Council chatter as it changes (in microscopic part) the panhandling law under court pressure in John Maurer “Fuck the Pigs” case
xxx Maurer’s pro bono attorneys Paul Sanford and Don Zimmerman try to speak
Current Ordinance No. 2021-03 amending Chapter 6.36 of the Santa Cruz Municipal Code related to regulations for “temporary outdoor living” in all its grim, gritty, gross, and ungrokable–all 6 attachments and reams of bigoted talking points at, agenda item #37.
Join the TentTable at Pacific & Soquel today April 11th at 2 PM for Resisting TOLO, likely police sweeps , and the anti-homeless Modified Injunction against San Lorenzo Survival Campers.
Weather permitting, join Santa Cruz Homeless Union weekly meeting Monday 2 PM April 12th at Front and Laurel Streets at the Food Not Bombs meal.
Check out the weekly HUFF meet Thursday April 15th 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private. Or at least to howl at the darkness.