Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday August 20, 2023 show features Violence, Seizure, and Sweep reports from the 8-17 HUFF meeting; audio of the SF Mime Troupe’s Breakdown show; Flashback to TurkeyDay 11-25-04

The August 20, 2023 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show includes:

Flashback to Bathrobespierre’s Broadside netcast of November 25, 2004 including:

Thanksgiving Vets Hall Chow Line—Circulating a Petition to End the Sleeping Ban

Interviews with Steve T.,  Victoria Arnason (former Camp Paradiser), Maria (rape and park ticket victim), Kim (Christian from Arcata, hassled in Felton), Chuck (on the Arcata Endeavor shelter), Raymond from Tucson, Brent (forced out from under the bridge), Mark (rousted in Felton, left in peace in Santa Cruz)

Vets Table colloquy: Susan Durst, Becky Johnson, Preacher Mike,

David T., Scott Graham

Justice advocate Peter Marin on Santa Barbara’s anti-homeless RV ordinance violating intrastate travel right