The Sunday March 3, 2024 show includes:
- at interludes throughout the show: Dave Lippman’s melodic & satiric sarcasm
- “Yes, They Are Coming for the Homeless”
- [2-27] “Fuck Your FEMA Camps!” Protest inside and outside Shitty Hall against Santa Cruz’s implicit collusion with state and feds
- Sophie on Armory pluses and minuses from a transsexual perspective
- Dialogue with Cop Shutting Down the Bullhorn
- Bits of Oral Communication at Shitty Council—“Fast Lane” Fred interrupts Meeting for Keith’s “Fuck you, Fred” response; Keith’s commentary
- Street view from a Renter—according to George
- Petitioning up in Scotts Valley; Nicolas on unnecessary misery with closed shelters in rain and wind
- Jay ousted from parking garage cover into rain; Art on pretext pullover
- Cody—watching from Food Not Bombs meal and Daylight Drew’s report from the chow line
The Flashback to April 11, 2004 includes:
- Anita Henry of Med-X, Medical Marijuana distribution service, co-hosts through most of the show.
- Preview of Frank Morales—The Squatter Movement Seizing Housing—on Guns and Butter: Anita and caregiver caller Mathew react
- Bathrobespierre previewing City Council: the coming sell-out of the Clearview Court Rent Control; Bathrobespierre’s lawsuits; Steve Argue’s move-along arrest; cops on high-school campus; and more.
- Anita: Medical Marijuana in the News: city, state, and nation-wide update
- Congo Ray—caretaker and jack-of-many-trades—on recent life in an RV
- HUFF & PUFF—discussing sidewalk distribution of free medical marijuana to protest failure to allow distribution centers in town
- 1 ½ hours with Frank Morales on the phone—11 buildings and the squatter path to legality
- Dealing with Urban Poor by destroy the housing and whole neighborhoods in south Bronx in order to disperse them: special deconcentration; defending in court and by calling the neighborhood to physically support with direct action.
- Rather than reconcentrating thru housing creation, authorities lowered habitability standards and started warehousing with “shelters”.
- “Steadfast” Steve Argue struggle against the Move-Along law limiting tabling for vendors, petitioners, musicians to 1 hour.