The August 31, 2023 edition is a Flashback to the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show of December 12, 2002. It includes:
- Cassandra Brown & Amy Courtney on their trial to stop Cal Trans from banning anti-war banner drops on freeway overpasses
- Broadcaster, street musician, and community activist Phil Free on the FCC shutdown of Berkeley Liberation Radio recently.
- Phone-in discussion of the latest reports from the Berkeley Liberation Radio going off the air.
- Exchange on City Council’s continued effective prohibition of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city
- More from Brown and Courtney on some Peace Fridays ago.
- Bathrobespierrre critiques City Council’s rejection of the Downtown Commission’s reform of the Downtown Ordinances.
- [12-6] Michael Rays describes being rousted at City Hall by Officers Klein and Seiley.
- Scope-it-Out Scott Graham on the Council’s tightening of the Downtown Ordinances