The December 28, 2023 show is a Flashback to the October 6, 2016 show. It includes:
- Part 2 of Beggerbacker Johnson’s account of the “Criminal Chalking” case (related material at
- Palo Malo of the Cannabis Activists Alliance on County marijuana restriction efforts and Prop. 64 (failed) Legalization for Recreation; dangers of state regs eliminating collective garden option under 1996’s medical marijuana Prop 215
- [10-5] Silva critiques the ACLU Forum on Houselessness as a political candidate booster and a guy selling a book.
- Steve Pleich, master of ceremonies, gets Bathrobespierre’s critique, announces the forum.
- Wes White, Monterey County Homeless Union, on the Salinas scene.
- Mike Rhodes, author of Dispatches from the War Zone, and how he got involved in Fresno.