C & A and HUFF meet today at Noon Wednesday December 4th at the Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific Next to the Bike Church

Instead of the usual agenda suggestions, I thought to put out the following thoughts.

In the last week, I’ve sent out two follow-up reminders of tasks agreed to at our last meeting.  I encourage folks to consult those reminders for discussions today (consult prior e-mails from Friday and Tuesday for reference).   I would think we might want to follow-up on the actions we spent several hours discussing last time (and in prior meetings).   The fact that I’ve heard nothing from anyone after those two reminders suggests that putting energy into creating and distributing a series of specific suggestions for today’s meeting feels kind of foolish.   Those attending the meeting can and will create their own agenda.

C & A, as usual, will create its own agenda. 

As for HUFF, I encourage folks to make street reports, continue supporting existing encampments, and systematically organize potential survival campgrounds since it seems likely City Council at its latest meeting of the year (December 10th) will do nothing substantive to address the crisis and continue funding police/rangers driving unsheltered folks out into the rain.  Councilmember Glover will likely be holding his usual 5:30 PM Friday Agenda Discussion meeting at City Hall in Room 10.

The Santa Cruz Homeless Union is presumably continuing to meet every Sunday at 5 PM at the Food Not Bombs meal, weather permitting.  For more information, contact Alicia Kuhl (431-7766) or Keith McHenry (575-770-3377).    Alicia and Keith have a Thursday radio show on KSCO (on the sufferance of owner Michael Zwerling) 2-4 PM at 1080 AM (ksco.com).  I do my show twice-weekly Thursday 6-8 PM and Sundays 9:30 AM to 3 PM at freakradio.org, archived at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html .   The Housing Mutters (former the Homeless Lack of Services Center) group will, I assume, be holding its Memorial for this year’s dead on December 20 or 21st.   CACH, which met last night, will be presenting its “recommendations” at the Council meeting whose agenda will be unveiled likely Friday or Saturday on line and in the library.

Hoping to continue making Public Records requests.  If anyone is actually finding them useful or acting on them, it would be helpful to know that. 
Hopefully some actions will come out of today’s meeting.  We have a lot of good energy and information.  But I’m personally finding it uncomfortable with commitments unacknowledged and not followed through on.  Doesn’t seem much point in listing more new suggestions, when the old ones serve mostly for talk without action.  Hence, this letter.

See you at the meeting today if you brave the rain.
