Contrary to a message sent out some hours ago, Conscience and Action will be meeting today at 11 AM, with the HUFF meeting following at noon. The italicized and emphasized items below are the reason.
- Announcements: Choice of Action Items
- McHenry Report on Possible Tuesday City Council Ross Closing; Adding County to Lawsuit
- Resistance Organization for Flashmob Documenting: LawSuit Sign-Up List Follow-Up
- Prince Report by Phone
- Wes White’s Wednesday 4-24 7 PM RCNV Ross Camp Dialogue
- Ross Clean-Up Report; First Alarm Harassment and Response
- Mosquito Device Threat
- Lawsuit Follow-Up’s: Serving TBSC, Dismissing the Magistrate: Gas $ for Alicia
- Recent Attacks on Brent Adams and His Vehicles
- Camp Paradise Report: Possible Overflow and Relocation Area
- Bathroom Barricade: Stepped Up Progress
- Update on the $10 million from poverty pimps: News on the HEAP, HAP, or COC HQ.
- Pressing for Emergency laundry and shower access for the broader homeless community and Ross or General Laundromat/Biz Discrimination?
- Tenant/Student Coalition Update; Prospects for Targeting a Real Estate Ripster
- Supporting UCSC Student RV Dwellers in the SNAIL Organization; Outreach to Dem Soc
- Legislation: Fatal Force Law, Cop Records, Student RV Parking at Com 2Colleges (AB 302) For HUFFsters
- Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
- Street Reports; Restaurant Discrimination?
- Anthony’s Suggestion: Resuming Protests at City Hall
- Conscience and Action items unfinished of interest to HUFFsters
- Emergency Meeting of HUFF/C & A our at Ross Camp
- Reports from Other Campsites
- Tuesday Special Meeting Council Report
- Glover’s Ross Camp Meeting Last Monday and Next Monday at 3 PM
- RV Attacks in Other Cities—Local Updates
- Satellite Camp Expansion to Relieve Ross Camp Pressure;
- Push for Council Procedure Changes by Thursday 4-25 ? Watkins Friday Meeting?
- Berkeley Reports: Anti-RV Law: People’s Park Meeting
- Tenants in Trouble: students, renters, elderly, disabled groups for mutual power and solidarity.
- Sentinel Letters
- SNAIL (Student RV) Organizing
- SCPD: demanding revelation of surveillance devices throughout the City, police records on use of force, selective enforcement, tasering, DHS/ICE collusion, racial profiling. Protests to open the property room during regular SCPD hours daily. MHCAN report: HUFF movement to support restoration of services.
STUDENT PETITION: santa-cruz-petition-for- houseless-students-snail- movement?utm_medium=pet_ copylink_2