New Street Spirits and Street Sheets: Also Available at the UN Association at 903 Pacific, at the main branch of the Public Library, and from Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.
HUFF Meeting Agenda Prospects 2-9-23
++++ Pass-Arounds and Hand-Outs
++++ Street reports
++++ SC Homeless Union report; next meeting 2-15 612 Ocean
++++ Mountain Resource Center Protest Update;
++++ Indybay Story:
++++ Alternate Media: Serf City News;
++++ Response to Felton Sheriff’s Department on Helga’s Assault
++++ Focus on Unreformed SCPD and SC Sheriff’s Deputy in Light of Recent Police Murders
++++ General Shelter Updates
++++ Winter Shelter in Santa Cruz Action Considering Frosty Times & No Warming Center; Footbridge Services Shutdown
++++ More “No Parking” Signs in Coastal Zone: Actions and Update
++++ Reggie Meisler and Keith McHenry calls
++++ Shitty Council Meeting Coming Up 2-14-23
++++ Updates for SB31 and its Successor
++++ Injunction Prep; Ratner/Mangler Protest Prep
++++ Tabling & Follow-Up at Clock, Pogonip, Levee: Survival Encampment Network
++++ Placeholders: Tickets, Free Guide, OVO, Mad Power
++++ Anti-War Rally noon Feb 19 Town Clock