HUFF Agenda Prospects 11-09-23
++++ Priorities, Placeholder Run-through & Hand-Outs
++++ Hand-outs: Agendas, Documentation Sweep Sheets, fairly new Street Sheets; Street Sheet on-line guide
++++ Passarounds: San Rafael Injunction Update—4 Stories; New S.R. Court Order; SC City Homelessness Propaganda; San Luis Obispo anti-homeless crimes
++++ HUFF Notes & General Announcements: 11-4 pm 11-11 Vets Mem Bldg for Vets
++++ 2 Wars Against the Poor: Gaza & Santa Cruz: 10-5 UCSC Strike at Gate
++++ Meeting schedule changes
++++ As ever…Street reports; Beach, Parking Lots, Pogonip, Library, Levee
++++ Property destroyed; reports of official violence or threats
++++ First Shitty Council Meet 11-14-23; alternatives in other public places
++++ New and earlier Street Sheets available in hard edition. Also on line at (includes latest Oct 1 issue) perhaps at 903 Pacific Tele Office & FNB Sat/Sun
++++ Write for Street Sheet; Street Spirit Update; Street Shit Sheet?
++++ Lawsuit Updates:
++++ Phone Contacts: Wes White call for Salinas/Gilroy sweeps update; Helga’s Felton report.
++++ Anti-War Resolution—Richmond style support for Gaza: WW3 and Wars = Homeless Reminder in Ukraine + Gaza
++++ Follow-Up on MHCAN concerns; Greybears issues