Library Coughs Up Complaint Copies–Available at City Hall

Gail  et. al.:  Copies of the library complaints are now available for viewing at the City Council Offices at City Hall–see article below.  Please pass this info on to anyone you think would be interested, and also let me know if you check them out, what your thoughts are.  Thanks for coming to the December and January meetings.  Also, more important, if you hear or see anything in the Main Library, please pass that info along.  Also if anyone develops connections with library staff or a regular homeless library user as a contact, please let me know.  –R

I wrote “Bruce Halloway, a member of the public in the audience at the December meeting, several times addressed the Board. On one occasion he remarked that Landers had refused to provide him with access to the previous meeting’s minutes, instead brushing him off and telling him to write out a Public Records Act request and wait 10 days.”

But I learned from Bruce in a later conversation (mentioned above by Bruce) on my radio show that he had actually been searching for earlier minutes–the minutes to recent meetings are on line. Apologies to Teresa and Bruce for this misunderstanding.

Also I was informed last week that a copy of all the complaints made by and to library staff last year in all branches of the library is now available for viewing at the City Council offices at City Hall at 809 Center St. Just tell them you’re looking for the Library Complaints Public Records Act information which Robert Norse requested.

As I understand it, these complaints will only be viewable for another few weeks before they’re returned to the storage archives and will then require another 10 days or more to secure. If anyone takes the time to go through them, please note your thoughts. I’ve only checked over a fraction of them so far.
