Current Stuff:
- Commentary on the latest Stephon Clark Killing Revelations [See also https://www.democracynow.
org/2018/3/30/why_are_so_many_ unarmed_black]
- Councilmember Sandy Brown on Rent Freeze Evasions, “Affordable” Housing, and Holding Staff Accountable…continued
- Wes White’s Salinas Update…continued
- Sharon and Julie Speak Out at the Red Church
Flashback to February 2, 2006:
- Bathrobespierre Dissects the Mathews’ Council’s Parking Lot Panic Law
- Rico Thunder (aka Wes Modes) on SCPD Spying for the DIY New Year’s Eve March 2005-6
- Report on an interview with “Turn ’em Away” Tim Bratton, manager of the Vet’s Building
- Street Interviews: Experiences with the cops…Mad Mike the Wonderdog on police beating the bushes…”Pirate”, “Damian”, and “Parrot” downtown;
- Coralee’s Downtown Interviews with Roger Etcetera’s, Brandon the cello player, Marilyn of Alfresco’s, BigDrum Brent, Guitar Joe, Valerie Promise, “Under Arrest”, and others
- Michelle Beltos on being denied access to River St. Shelter
- John Maurer’s update on his “Fuck the Pigs” lawsuit
This show archives tomorrow or perhaps later today at
For the full Flashback go to
brb/brb060202.mp3 Leave your comments and questions at 831-423-4833.
Contact 575-770-3377 to volunteer to help Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs locally through Facebook.Donate blankets tents, and tarps to folks directly on the street (80% of the homeless population) either directly to those outside or through the Warming Center Project at 831-234-9848.
Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz on Facebook for updates on the shivering majority, left outside and outside the law.
HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) meets Wednesday 4-7-18 at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe (next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific). Coffee on the house.
Call 423-4833 to volunteer for or learn more about civil rights work on homeless civil rights issues.