Free Radio Santa Cruz still still offers a reward of $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure). Help us so we can help you!
Tonight’s show streams at and archives at Lostshows.html
On tonight’s show:
- “Barnstormer” Berger, tenant activist–now reaching out for the broader Non-Property Owners community,–discusses the Movement for Housing Justice‘s strategy for dealing with the landlord assault on Just Eviction Protection
- Red Church Repartee: Sonny, Jeremiah, John and Wendy, Trixie, and Julie sparkle and sputter giving updates.
- Nutcracker Nick Whitehead denounces out-of-town developers in Aptos
- “All Speed Ahead” Alicia Kuhl discusses her exchange with SCPD Chief Mills.