Current Notes:
- Cabrillo Estates Mobile Home Park tenants beg the Capitola Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission for legal help against a predatory landlord
- Food Not Bombs under attack at the Town Clock and Elsewhere
Flashback to August 23, 2007
- Santa Cruz refuses to annul Sleeping Ban as L.A., Richmond, and other cities follow the Court’s Jones settlement
- Phony rationale by SCPD Spinmeister for closing down the Homies for the Homeless
- 8-18-07 Chris Williams reports Homies being harassed at City Hall at 3 am, many driven away.
- Amisa—eviction threat for talking with homeless or allowing them to visit—at 155 Felker St. apartments
- Lighthouse Linda—in studio guest–on her experience as chair of the Homeless Issues Task Force
- Razor Ray, Matt, De Moan & others on the Homies harassment and a proposed lawsuit
- DeMoan organizes a meetings to prepare for dialogue with the Mayor