On the 1-15-2023 Show:
- “Heartstrong” Helga has a wrangle of a conversation with Bathrobespierre Robert about recent incidents of anti-homeless discrimination at the Mountain Resources Center in Felton.
- Looking back on the 1-10 Santa Cruz Shitty Council meeting with new 4-year Mayor “Fast Lane” Fred Keeley and his authoritarian style
- “Scope it Out” Scott Graham reviews the Council wreckage.
- Brief squeaks of outrage and rationality from Steve, Hector, Joyh, Sabina, and Abbi during the token 1-10 Oral Communications period
- Silence from City Mangler Huffaker on the Shelter scandal: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2023/01/08/18853734.php
- Rainy day news and blues from Katzenjammer Keith McHenry [1-11]
- Food Not Bombs fusillades from Alice & “Grok It” Greg.
- Preview of the Flashback from Bathrobespierre Robert
- The December 20th, 2012 Flashback includes:
- [Bits from The Capital Steps comedy troupe throughout]
- Piercing the veil of the Poverty-pimpster and Politician-packed 14th Homeless Memorial
- Homeless [Lack of] Service Center [HLOSC] rules
- The names and ages of the homeless dead over the last 20 years
- Memorial notes from a skeptical observer & interviews with: Larry Bordeau
- Vets report
- Mama Joy McCorkle’s “Cause of Death” poem
- Nearly audible encomiums by Beggarbacker Becky Johnson, Dead-on David Silva, and Silver-tongued Steve Pleich
- Fact-flee-er Phil Kramer avoids saying many actually housed by HLOSC
- A tearful Kalalia Guard (aka “Stormy”) mourns those not mentioned
- B. Johnson totals up the homeless death total; D. Silva on Billy’s death
- [11-26] Red Church Ravings: Jonathan on police doubleparking
- “Freedom” and her copwatcher report
- Rick Stipes report on his indecent exposure & camping ticket trials
- Mainstream media covers the Homeless Bill of Rights protest interviewing Razor Ray, Mama Shannon, Tom, Julie Schaul + family, Ralph
- The small City of Felton has no Winter shelter and its Mountain Resource Center 6134 Hiway 9 (across from Rite-Aid) has been accused of driving people out into rainy weather during the last three weeks. An informational flyering and protest is planned for Felton at 10 AM Thursday December 20th.