Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show 6-30-22 : A Homeless Man Under Attack: Benchlands Troy Speaks Out; Flashback to 12-31-22: the Successful Defense of the San Lorenzo Unhoused in December 2020

This  show archives by about 6 PM at, a website where you can also find shows from the last 3 1/2 years.

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On Today’s 6-23 Show :

  •    Troy, a Benchlands resident, speaks of what he sees as anti-homeless discrimination at different businesses.

FLASHBACK to the 12-31-20 Show

+++     Bathrobespierre visits the San Lorenzo Park barricades in anticipation of an SCPD raid evicting those living there to…nowhere.  +++     Interviews with activists at the barricades. 

+++     Interview with Community neighborhood activist Micah Posner
+++     Lee-Ann Sherwood, RV dweller and park resident reports. 

+++     Waiting for the Police with Light, Barbara Lawrence, and a LookOut reporter. 

+++      Posse-ing and holding off Andy Mills’ SCPD