Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday June 25, 2023 show which includes a challenging interview with Becky Johnson, some Town Clock dialogues, & Part 2 of the Rovics bio…plus a Flashback to March 19, 1998-with eye-witness on the Button St shooting

The Sunday, June 25, 2023 show includes:

The March 19, 1998 Flashback has: 

First impressions of the Button St. shooting from on-the-scene interviews.

Faith, Adrianna, and Laura gave their thoughts: criticism of trigger-happy police and implications if CPS stepped in.

“Dead On” David Silva comments and “Beggarbacker” Becky’s pieced-together narrative.

Witness reports police removed Lori Andrus the Mom and her baby; Silva’s “ear-witness” account.

Becky’s subsequent Street Spirit story in the May 1998 issue:

Anonymous neighbor’s account of the shooting.

Silva on the failure to make the ballot for saving the Pelton St. Homeless Garden & struggle for ballot support for Sleeping Ban Initiative.

Alley, Button St. resident and neighbor of the Andrus family, on police conduct and its risk to 100 children living nearby.

Salinas City Council bans nighttime peaceful sparechanging in ordinance modeled on a Santa Cruz law.