The June 22, 2023 show is a Flashback to June 4 2017 which includes:
+++ [2017] Phone interview with the crackdown on Keith McHenry’s tabling at City Hall during Council meetings.
+++ [7-17-2010] Flashback within the flashback to 2010: Bathrobespierre fields a panel of in-studio guests around the PeaceCamp 2010 [PC2010] event that began two weeks before with a PC2010 founder and attorney Ed Frey, PC2010 media mogul Curbhugger Chris Doyen, and long-time housing advocate “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster.
+++ The PC2010 panel discusses the lack of bathrooms for rich and poor downtown.
+++ Free-wheeling FRSC broadcaster exchanges phone quips and queries with the panel.
+++ Curbhugger Chris challenges Mayor “Riot Act” Rotkin to deal with hate crimes & the Sleeping Ban, reports on the overwhelming needs and determination of PC2010 protesters.
+++ Bathrobespierre and Company discuss upcoming anti-homeless measures at City Council (“Old Myths, New Laws: Poor-Bashing in The Depression. 3 More Strikes Against the Homeless. City Council Crams Cartload of Crud on Afternoon Agenda”)( PeaceCamp2010 Marches to City Hall)