The Sunday October 22, 2023 show includes:
- [throughout the show] Musical history in song and chant from David Rovics: &
- [10-20] Town Clock protest against the Israeli bombing of Gaza—Nadia leads chants.
- Anonymous carpenter shares views on the dimensions of local protest
- Letter from homeless rights activist Reggie Meisler after the first Stakeholder’s meeting mandated by the Coastal Commission on the Oversized Vehicle Ordinance (OVO)
- [10-21] Drew and Stayla/Sierra—Hard times on the concrete street; Miguel angry police waking
- Nathan Hammel—Standing up for your rights against nighttime cop harassment
- Davenport Scott & Yancy
- Catch-me-Not Cooper on Ruftimes Russell’s latest medical condition
- Katzenjammer Keith McHenry’s lengthy report on Israeli and Santa Cruz authorities treating folks like “Human Animals”
The Flashback to October 9, 2016 includes:
- [occasional harsh but happy songs from Ryan Hardy]
- Oct 7th Raid on Berkeley homeless at Fairview and Adeleine in front of the Berkeley Food and Housing Project prompts “Where are We Supposed to Go?” chalked on the Shattuck sidewalk in front of Downtown Association
- “Dogged” Dan McMullan, disabled but undismayed Berkeley activist on “First They Came for the Homeless Poor Tour 2016-2017” with commentary from Mike Lee & Mike Zint
- Jose Castenada talks to homeless activists after a bad anti-homeless Salinas City Council vote
- Conversations with the Flagpole Community & Daytime Tent Storage Serviceman Wes White setting up camp for the night at City Hall
- News Briefs: The case of Ramena, Iranian instrumentalist, falsely ticketed on Pacific Ave. in Santa Cruz; Brent Adams “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” videos
- Santa Cruz City Council candidates on the Sleeping Ban: Steve Pleich and Nate Kennedy
- California Cannabis Advocates Alliance—defeat of County Supervisors attempt to toxically restrict cultivation with a Citizen Initiative; Proposition 64–Limited Recreational Legalization of Marijuana
- Phone interview with “Homeless Mayors” Raelyn Butcher and Bryan Brown from Marysville for 300 people outside
- William Burns, disabled El Centro resident for three years, 5 times assaulted by another resident with no protection from landlord, police, or courts.
- Mama Shannon on successful resistance and court battle against repeated ticket harassment by both City and County attorneys
- Red Church Interviews: Nancy Eaton, Steve Conover, Pat Colby, Bob Rees, Joe Blow, Michael, Devon Pearce, Joey, Scott Galloway.
- At Freedom Sleeper #64 at City Hall: David Silva’s 3rd Tuesday reports on City Council’s shifty suppression of Freedom Sleepers at Oral Communications; Lawrence MacGregor (“Blue”) on a recent assault where he was airlifted to Stanford;
- Salinas editor/publisher of Voices from the Street, Van Gresham, and Monterey County Homeless Advocates activist Wes White history of anti-homeless ordinances.
- Partial audio of the KCET video: Vandwelling in Santa Barbara— 2004 the Safe Parking program
- 10-2 Anonymous accounts of Paul Lee loft problems at Homeless (Lack of) Services Program
- Interview with alternative candidate Nate Kennedy for City Council
- Fresno’s Mike Rhodes: How I Became a Homeless Advocate in 2002 in his first book Dispatches from the War Zone