The January 18, 2024 show is a Flashback to November 25, 2010, the Thanksgiving show. It includes:
- Catman, his friend Robert, and changing times on Pacific Avenue
- Gabe, former anti-war protester turned military volunteer on Vets Hall closure controversy and the shrinking services
- Shawn with positive report about Socks for Soles, negative report about police harassment,
- Alternate histories of Thanksgiving
- [11-21] Julie Costanza of the In-Home Care Workers on fight to retain wages; outcome of the Dolphin-Lee (Nueva Vista) Project
- Quick Clips in the Thanksgiving Food Line: Billy, Joe Schultz, Eden
- Collette Connolly, elderly PeaceCamp 2010 activist, on her court case—history and outcome of the PeaceCamp 2010
- “False Choices in Airport Security First a Hand on Your Crotch Next a Boot in Your Crotch” by Michael Scott
- Song: “I’ll Be Groped for Christmas”
- Ella Mae on Sleeping Ban stupidity and Dreamcatcher’s Continuing Saga