Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday March 2 2023 is a Flashback to September 29, 1995 on the struggle to keep the Coral Open-Air Shelter or “Back Forty” (where some of Housing Matters now sits) open

The September 29, 1995 show includes: 

“Nutcracker” Nick on the Harassment-prone Downtown Hosts  

Nick and Bathrobierre discuss the now dead, then toxically-active “Butchie” Loren “Sticky Fingers” Baker—accused harasser of poor women. 

“Judgment Day” John Stuart on the arrest of Food Not Bombs [FNB] activist “Red-Top” Robert Flory at the courthouse 

Hospitality “Host” Christine at the Pacific Ave. table 

FNB activist Sara on Santa Cruz’s 1995 FNB and collecting donated food

  Free Radio Santa Cruz [FRSC] broadcaster previews his then-forthcoming show. 

“Bubbah” Brian Koepke on the Gina assault case 

S.F. Chronicle story “Judge Continues Ban on Redwood Logging” 

Attorney Ed Frey attacks D.A. Art Danner for funding then firing Assistant D.A. Catherine Gardner 

“Calamity Jane” Imler gives the background of the Citizen’s Committee for the Homeless [CCH] 

“Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster of Housing Now in Santa Cruz” announces the new Newsletter for the Streets 

Bubbah on the Closing of the Open-Air Shelter 

“Pardonez-Moi” Paul Marceau, Director of the Open Air Shelter defends CCH and its program to close the shelter. 

Marlena Zaro, acquitted of “Failure to Disperse” in the mini-riot by Police during the protest against the Sitting Ban in May 1994 

Ed Frey on Danner’s refusal to prosecute Deputy Todd Liberty for a brutal assault captured on video.