Audio, Sentinel Story, and Links at
Keith McHenry’s analysis “Unhoused of Santa Cruz Win Another Round in their Legal Struggle to Protect their Rights and Safe” at : gives the upside of the hearing.
I’ll have to examine my notes and the formal order (when Van Keulen issues it). However at first glance, it’s seems more like a two week’s reprieve for those currently in the upper Park, immediate relocation up into the park for those currently in the Benchlands or along the Riverbank until the camp is opened and then eviction to…nowhere, and then another two week’s reprieve for those who get permits to move into the 122 spaces in the “managed campground” in the Benchlands after which there’s no provision for shelter for them, and no provision other than eviction for those who don’t chose to use the “managed campground”.
As I remember it, the order will likely allow use of the infamous cop-issued stay-away orders for anyone in the vicinity without a permit. And, of course, there was no mention of the looming TOLO law and little mention of the shelter absence with a likely step-up in “hide out or get out” enforcement as COVID shelter-in-place protections lessen.
Also missing from public view as the Code of Conduct imposed on those in the “managed campground”.
Most of the documents filed with the Court by both City and the Union have not been provided by the SC Homeless Union in spite of repeated requests.
HUFF will be discussing the situation in the Park as well as the broader situation tomorrow Thursday 4-1 11 AM to 1 PM at its usual Sub Rosa coffee-and-complaints meeting at the Sub Rosa (next to the Bike Church at 703 Pacific).